3 Reasons Why Cabo San Lucas Is The Safest Destination This 2021

Why should I travel with Covid, why is Cabo San Lucas the answer?
The pandemic has not been easy, far from it but I think we all know that. It has also been particularly hard when it comes to travel. Choosing your vacation spots was already a matter of important decision making, but add Covid on top and you really need to think it over. Will the place follow health regulations? Will it be worth my time and money? Will I have a good (and safe) time? Is it worth it?
Well, dear reader, let me tell you right now that yes, Cabo San Lucas is very much worth it, pandemic or otherwise and I’m about to give you three reasons why.

Los Cabos was officially named Mexico’s first health verified destination
1. The Superb Health Quality and Pandemic Measures of Cabo San Lucas
Not too long ago, Los Cabos was officially named Mexico’s first health verified destination, after the near entirety of the hotels had earned the independent health validation from the Sharecare health company.
This privilege was of course given as a title to those few hotels that excelled at their security measures against the pandemic, the absolute top of the line when it comes to health quality. Symptom checking/prevention, health protocols, superb communication between tourists and staff, you name it. The point of the matter is, it makes Cabo not only a beautiful place but one with a self-conscious community that cares for its locals and the ever-welcome (and more often than not repeat) visitors.

The Superb Health Quality and Pandemic Measures of Cabo San Lucas
2. The Solidarity of the People of Cabo San Lucas against the Pandemic.
As you might have suspected, this top-of-the-line record does not extend only to Cabo’s hotel lineup but also the overall self-conscious attitude of the city and its people. Cabo has gone through many things in the past, including hurricanes, floods, but the people of Cabo have always bounced back, eager to help one another.
There is a real sentiment of solidarity between the people of Cabo, and that sentiment has translated beautifully during the pandemic (or any crisis for that matter), allowing businesses to both endure the hardships Covid has brought and to deliver the same, unforgettable experiences to its visitors.

Everything Cabo has to offer.
3. Everything Cabo has to offer.
Knowing that your health is pretty much covered and taken care of thanks to proper health measures should only add to the quality of Cabo altogether. You will still get your fresh seafood, drinks, sunset vistas, boat tours, beautiful natural areas, and the proper nightlife, all with the added warranty that your health will not be something that gnaws at you at the back of your head.
So what are you waiting for? Here at Cabo San Lucas, we did not stop because of the pandemic. We strove to fight and we still do. We look towards the future and always give it our best because we know there is no other way other than forward.
-WildCaboTours signing out